Datasources: the basics

Use data sources to streamline form creation and manage item lists for single and multiple-choice fields. Simplify the process and ensure consistency.

Datasources in Eskuad are a powerful tool that allows you to streamline the process of populating single choice and multiple choice fields with lists of items. Here's a breakdown of what datasources are and how to effectively use them:

What Are Datasources?

  • Datasources are essentially lists of items that can be used in single choice and multiple choice fields within your forms.
  • When you create a datasource, it can be utilized across multiple forms, saving you time when building forms.
  • Any changes made to a datasource are automatically updated wherever that datasource is being used.

Creating a Datasource

  • Access Datasources: Start by clicking on the "Datasources" tab located in the left navigation bar. 


  • Creating a New Datasource: Within the Datasources section, click the "Create New" button at the top of the page.
  • Name Your Datasource: In the modal window, give your datasource a name. This will help you easily identify and locate it later.
  • Choose Datasource Type:
    • Custom: For custom datasources, you manually add items by entering them into the "Set New Item" entry box and clicking "Add Item." Once your list is complete, click "Save."
    • Spreadsheet: Spreadsheet datasources are created by using an existing spreadsheet. Ensure your spreadsheet has a list of items in a column. After selecting the spreadsheet option, either drag and drop the file or choose the file from your computer. Once uploaded, you can select the specific rows you want to include.

Using a Datasource

  • Apply to Fields: You can use a datasource in either a single selector or multiple-choice field. Click the "Datasources" button in the "Add Options" area.
  • Select the Datasource: Choose the datasource you want to use by clicking "Use." If you're using a spreadsheet datasource, you'll need to specify which column from the datasource should be used.

Datasources simplify the process of managing lists of items across multiple forms, ensuring consistency and efficiency. When changes are needed, you can update the datasource, and those changes will automatically reflect wherever the datasource is used.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with creating or using datasources in Eskuad, please feel free to reach out. We're here to help you make the most of this feature.

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