Manual 1 - How to create an account in Eskuad?

Learn how to create an account, invite users, and customize forms in Eskuad. Get started with easy steps and empower team collaboration. Eskuad field ops.

Video Tutorial:

Create an account on the web:

Go to the following website :

Alternatively you click Get Started button at the top of Eskuad’s home page.

  1. Click "Sign Up"
    Eskuad Web App
  2. Enter your first and last name

Eskuad Sign Up

3. Enter your email

Eskuad Account Creation

4. Finally, create a password with a minimum of 8 characters, 1 capital letter, 1 lowercase, 1 number, and 1 symbol.

5. Click the "Sign Up" button again.

6. Accept the terms and conditions.

Eskuad Terms & Conditions

7. You have successfully created a free Eskuad account. You can now log in with the account you just created either through the web panel ( or on the App. You can click the links below to access the application. 

Create an account from the App:

  1. Download the application at: 
  2. Open the application

  3. Select "Create Account"

Eskuad Mobile App

4. Enter your first and last name

Eskuad Sign Up Mobile
5. Enter your email

6. Finally, create a password with a minimum of 8 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1 symbol
Eskuad Account Creation Mobile

7. Reenter the password to confirm

8. Click the "Create Account" button

9. Accept the terms and conditions

Eskuad Terms & Conditions Mobile

10. You have successfully created a free Eskuad account. You can now log in with the account you just created either through the web panel( or on the App. You can click the links below to access the application.


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